
Dear students,

Please DO NOT COPY AND PASTE the articles or books' synopses that you had read. Do WRITE YOUR OWN comments and reviews. MARKS WILL BE DEDUCTED for any plagiarized posts.

Read others' books, write your own.

August 25, 2009

UHL2312 updates!

Dear students,
  • Please access this blog frequently as I will post new entry weekly which require you to respond to the entry. Remember that this is part of your evaluation.
  • Please bring your own headset for our self assess activity session. This is for hygienic purpose. And since it is a SELF ASSESS activity, you are on your own. I won't help you on how to answer the questions or the answer for the questions except if you are having technical problem.
  • By this time you should have your own group for your final assessment that is Product Exhibition. Each group must have five members (boys and girls). Please name your group and decide on the PRODUCT (except for hand phone, I-pod, and digital camera) that you want to exhibit. Any inquiry please come and see me.
Have a good day!

Reading Entry 1 (M09)

Read an article and write review or comment about it.

Reading Entry 1 (K32)

Read an article and write review or comment about it.

Reading Entry 1 (K31)

Read an article and write review or comment about it.

Reading Entry 1 (E05)

Read an article and write review or comment about it.

Reading Entry 1 (A12)

Read an article and write review or comment about it.

August 18, 2009

The start of a new chapter

Chop! Chop! We're going to move to technical description as most of us had finished presenting their uniqueness that makes them someone very valuable in this world. Enough with selling yourself; it is time for you to learn how to describe technical product in order to enable you to find the right mix to explain, demonstrate and practice the use of the correct jargon and the product itself. Apart from that it is also to develop 'ice-breakers' for your career in the future. Before we move on, try to answer these questions and discuss them in the comment section.

While you are travelling in the Arctic, a loud scrapping noise causes the dogs in your sled team to stop in their tracks. Peering through the blowing snow, you make out a huge shape bearing down on your position. Suddenly a large ship goes sailing past you, skimming over the ice and snow at more than ____ miles per hour.
  1. Describe the ship (technically).
  2. Where did the ship come from?
  3. Where is it going?
  4. What is its purpose?
  5. How do you think the captain might look like?

Good luck!

August 17, 2009

H1N1 Pandemic!!!!!

H1N1 kini tahap tenat


KUALA LUMPUR 16 Ogos – Darurat kesihatan tidak boleh diisytihar sewenang-wenangnya walaupun Pertubuhan Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) menganggarkan lima juta atau 20 peratus rakyat negara ini dijangkiti virus selesema babi atau Influenza A (H1N1).

Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai berkata, pihaknya mengakui situasi wabak itu di negara ini adalah tenat, tetapi untuk mengisytihar negara sebagai darurat ia perlu mengambil kira banyak faktor dan kriteria lain.

Katanya, ia termasuk melibatkan pelbagai pihak lain seperti orang awam, kementerian dan Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN).

“Ini tidak bermakna kerajaan tidak serius dalam menangani penularan H1N1, malah Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ialah Pengerusi kepada Jawatankuasa Kebangsaan Antara Kementerian Untuk Menangani Wabak H1N1,” katanya kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Malaysia hari ini mencatatkan tiga lagi kematian akibat virus H1N1 menjadikan jumlah kematian meningkat kepada 62 orang manakala sebanyak 283 kes baru dilaporkan di seluruh negara dengan jumlah kes terkumpul H1N1 meningkat kepada 3,857 kes.

Semalam Tiong Lai berkata, WHO menganggarkan lima juta atau 20 peratus rakyat negara ini berisiko dijangkiti virus influenza A (H1N1) jika orang ramai tidak mengambil serius langkah pencegahan bagi menghalang penularan virus itu.

Statistik itu berdasarkan kajian terperinci WHO mengenai kesan penularan luar biasa H1N1 terhadap sesebuah negara jika ancaman virus tersebut tidak ditangani secara berkesan dan menyeluruh.

Tiong Lai berkata, buat masa sekarang, Kementerian Kesihatan akan memfokuskan kepada aspek pencegahan dan rawatan khususnya terhadap pesakit-pesakit H1N1 yang terdiri daripada golongan berisiko tinggi.

“Kita akan terus mempergiatkan usaha menghebahkan langkah-langkah pencegahan dan kawalan H1N1 di media massa seperti mengadakan sesi forum dengan orang ramai bagi meningkatkan tahap pengetahuan serta kesedaran mereka,” ujar beliau.

Menurutnya, Kementerian Kesihatan mahu mengambil langkah yang praktikal dalam mencegah penularan wabak H1N1 di negara ini termasuk meminta orang ramai memberi kerjasama bersepadu kepada kerajaan dalam perkara tersebut.

“Saya yakin keadaan akan bertambah pulih sekiranya orang ramai mempunyai tanggungjawab yang tinggi dan tidak memandang remeh penularan wabak H1N1,” jelas beliau.

Beliau seterusnya menegaskan, individu-individu yang mempunyai gejala penyakit serupa influenza (ILI) seperti demam panas, selesema dan batuk perlu segera mendapatkan rawatan di hospital demi kesihatan diri.

“Mereka juga perlu prihatin dengan keselamatan orang lain dengan tidak menghadiri majlis-majlis terbuka dan berehat di rumah supaya virus penyakit tidak menjangkiti individu yang tidak berkenaan,” katanya.

Therefore, please wear mask when you're at public places whether you are sick or not.

August 3, 2009

Chapter I - Presentation Skills

Hye, there!

It's the end of our first chapter - presentation skills. We have covered everything, from the content of a presentation to the body languages used in a presentation. So, what do you think? Do you think you can give it all out during your oral presentation? And what do you think of our lesson for these four weeks?

Discuss the subject. You may reply your friends comments by using this format: reply to @friend's name/matric no and your reply.