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July 16, 2009

Don't turn your back (E05)


Atia_gadismelayu said...

The speaker speak about the important for us not to turn back while you give a speech. Many people like to turn back their audience to read from the powerpoint. We use powerpoint is for the audience more understand our speech. Not for you to read. it will make the audience more boring and can make them sleepy.

section 5

kalai said...

As we all know,human being born to be a all rounder in every aspects but we must know our ability before we commited to the task given.From viewing this video,we should not turned back when gives power point.First at all,we must introduced the concept and explain briefly about the topics.Furthermore,we should not turned back always,when gives briefing and must have eye contact with audience.

Nizam said...

While doin our presentation, don't you ever to turn back and neglect your audience. there were many perception will arise for example, they will accuse you as a betrayer and the worst one is that the audience will think it is a kind of rudeness. :)

Anonymous said...

hello everybody...

Don't turn your back while give a presentation...this is important because the audience cannot see our face which is handsome...don't be starring around...this can make an audience to sleep...futhermore,our voice can be delivered clearly if we face an audience...

(Syed tokidoki...
(section 05....)

muhaimin said...

don't turn your back! Of cource, that is most important thing while you speak or make a presentation. this is because you are act like a do not respect to our audience or make a rudeness. we have to show our good attitude to our audience or they will not hear to our speak.

muhamad muhaimin kornain
section 5

e_zoul said...

the big mistake usually we do is read the slide when we are in front of the big group of person that come to hear your speech NOT to come just to saw you read from the slide and present.. that not the good way to publish your work our project. when we always read from the slide our body turn back to the audiece. if we realized, the audiece came just want to look our speech skill NOT to look for our body. It would become the rude behavior for the audience if you turn will better if we remember our slide.

Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum miss
from the video, i learn about not to turn your body to your audience. in the other words do ntn staring at the screen behind you. if you turn back your body you betray to your audience. do not just look to your power points. give your impression to your audience.

wayue.. said...

shahidatul wahyu bt a.wahid

as a presenter,do not turn your back to the audience!! i totally agree with TJ that turning back on someone is a present of rudeness behaviour. in a power point presentation,the audience is very important for us because they are the medium where we deliver our message to. we have to show our facial expression and our body language to them so that they can feel we are trying our best to deliver them some important message.stop first when we want to turn to see our slides and then turn back to the audience when we want to start speak again. this way can show that the speaker respect the audience well.

Anonymous said...


Assalaamualaikum miss.....

After watching this video,i taught that the presenter talk to the ghost audience!?In case,if the presenter just move around about 180 degree,it can been accepted because maybe he or she want to cover their nervous or shyness..but in this case,the presenter permanently turn his back,totally its show no manner and rudeness to the audience.So..dont turn your back and take notes you to always face your audience and show your handsome face...lalalala

Badrul Hisam (EC09055) said...

The speaker want to tell dont talk to the slide by turning back when explain to the slide.These is because that the presenter are being talk to the slide and not to the audience.The audience can feel so bored and sleepy when the presenter talk to the slide....

rafique_bep05 said...

By referring to the video, it is necessary for student to watch the video because it is always happened among them. This action it is kind of rudeness because the audience suppose to watch the presentation slides not looking to your back. So, faces your audience and try to get them into your presentation with some kind of gestures.

hazim afiq said...

hahahaha... actually when I am presenting something that I did not know about it, I do that stuff a lot. For me I think it is because of lack of confidence. Well now I know that I is very bad to turn back while presenting. It is just like the speaker was talking to the wall or something.

Anonymous said...

ruby said....

Turning back from the audience is the biggest mistake for the speake.We must remember that,the one who want to hear our presentation was the audience,not the wall.When we turn back,the audience will get lose and they will felt that they are not important and should`t be there to hear your presentation.Moreover,the audience will get angry as the bahave was totally rude.....

non0t said...

the most important thing while representation is the speaker should not turn back to the audience and just staring to the slide without explain it...
it also like a theater or pentomen,the actor must not turn back to the audience..
people might say that a rude thing..
the speaker have to get the eye- contact with audience and not just staring on particular people..

Yee Yin said...

I agree with the speaker. I think that when you giving your presentation with turn your back to the audience is no manner to your audience. It also will make your audience feel that you are just talking to the slide. Your audience will like to see your facial expression when you presenting. It also will make your audience not concentrate and feel bored in your presentation. So don’t talk with the back facing your audience.

Anonymous said...

nazrin said...

To be honest,before,i also facing the screen while presenting but now i understand that power point presentation is for audience. Therefore,dont ever turn your back when you're presenting because it will create an uncomfortable situation to your audience as they'll fell that you're talking to yourself and not to them. In conclusion,always rememberred that power point presentation is for audience,so please facing them and keep your eye contact with your audience.

section 5

Anonymous said...

what has behind you,heeheheh
what i can learn from this video is do not turn your back to your audience.besides look not to respect to the audience,the presenter is look likes rude person. as the presenter we must face to face with our this situation our voice can heard clearly and easy to understand. although your face is not handsome but your must think positive,with our clearly and spirit voice,this can attract the audience

Ai Chern said...

In my opinion, show our back to the audience is a way that very no manner. So, we need always face with audience. TJ Walker have mentioned that 93% audience will feel how good a speaker is through the body language and not what is presented. So, audience will feel bored and sleey when we show our back to audience because they feel that we are not good speaker. Lastly, we can only show our back when we want let our audience focus on a slide and can be only a few seconds.

Anonymous said...

alia want to say something..DONT TURN YOUR BACK!!it's always happen when we are reading's doesnt make any wrong if we just turning our head for a's such a rude,because it seem we are ignoring the audience the audience will feel?or some otherwise without our attention they will in sudden rushing out of the i want to highlight here,facial expression is really important or we will lost it if we turn our back and remember,the slide actually is for the audience not for the presentor!!

Lie Chon said...

In my first impresson of this video is very confused.After that, I realise that he is purposely doing it to let me know that turning my back when doing the presentation is a very bad action. It is very rude to the audience. We needs to let the audince see our face and mouth's movement.

Anonymous said...

nad said...

i agree with tj..there are some presenter who give their back to the too..perhaps..hahaha..maybe some audience feel like they are not suppose to be there if the presenter give their back to them.the presentation must be bored if the presenter give their back to the a conclusion,as a presenter,we should faced the audience all the time.lalala~

nadiatul fatini bt solleh
sec 05

Mistik said...


don't turn back when present? of course turn back when present are very bad manor. so,we as a presenter we should not be afraid to face our audience event we need to read slide show. we can read slide show,but we must cover and do not make our audience think we do not want to see them. this will make our audience feel enjoy with our speech.


Anonymous said...

assalamualaikum and good evening...
sorry for late comment actually I want to make surprise in your comment list.
First at all in a great presentation,please do not turn your back during your speech.It show rudeness and make the audience getting bored.It also make yourself do not respect your audience. Your expression face is the major point that control your focus to the audience. Once again I stress on the eye contact.If you turn back again, I will kick you out of the hall.

Wan Saiful Azli Wan Noor

Anonymous said...

I agree with the speaker that not to turn our back and facing the screen when have speech to the audience.For me,it shows the rudeness and also make the audience feel quite bored with the presentation.The eye contact is very important in presentation because it shows the communication occurs between the presenter and the audience.


hidayah said...

From this video,the main point is not to turn back when we speak with others..the audience will not hear what you said. This is like you talk to yourself,not present to other..the audience may fed up with you.To get the attension,have the good eye contact with audience..