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July 16, 2009

Hand (A12)


Anonymous said...


moving hand is a one type of way to reduse our very agree about what he said to move our hand when give speech.. it is because when we just hold our hand together becase this action will also will freeze our mind.. so, try to move your hand when giving speech or else..

Note said...

Muhammad Hafiz B. Husain

The speaker want to address us about the use of hand gestures in our communication with the audiences, some speaker would be trembling when they were asked to speak in front. Some of them would do ridiculous thing when they were nervous,such as their hand will be froze.They will lose control of themselves and will talk nonsense thing in front of the audiences

AZMAT KHAN(AA09067) said...

I have no idea before this that our own hands can determine our fate during a presentation.MOVE YOUR HANDS...It is very important according to this video..well,in my opinion i strongly believed that the speaker is delivering a very good point.This is because,we as a young student which have little experience tends to control the movements of our hands during giving a speech.After seeing this video,it is clear that the best way to control our nerve during or before giving a speech and of course to keep making our audience interested to our presentation is none other than by moving our hands...

Anonymous said...


Well.. The speaker explain the difference we move or did not move our hands. YES! i agree that what the speaker say, moving our hands is good for us when giving a speech front of hundred audiences.Moving our hands can let us to release our nervous.On the other hands, it also can catch our fellow audiences' attention when we keep and keep move our hands while express our ideas or showing our emotions.However, if we just hold our hands together, put our hands back,that just will make us look more nervous and not attract to audience's eyes.Therefore,we must try to move our hands more and more in order to give an interested speech to people.Plus, that is a simple movement, don't be lazy.. : )

Anonymous said...


Moving hands when giving a speech is important and it is a normal reaction of human being.We are not machine or robot,so we have to move our hands when giving speech. Instead,hands moving giving an information that we are sociable and willing to share our knowladge and exprience to audience. Futhermore, audience would not feel pressure and shy to listen or pay attention to our speech through our hands moving.

NASRUDDIN (AA09079) said...

MOVE YOUR HAND! make it part of your speech. make it comfort. do not being such a lazy. This is the message that TJ want us to catch up. his message clear. he mant us to move our hand when giving speech. futhermore, this gesture lead us for more confident in deliver information, feel more comfortable not just stand static like a robot and make us more relax and ready to share information and knowledge to audience. so that our motive is clearly delivered. hand movement also may become attractive so audience do not feel bored and sleepy.

Anonymous said...

che muhammad anwar (AA09086)

sometimes when we do the presentation, we forget the point or stack at any point.. so by moving our hand it can reduce the nervous that we have. also when moving the hand it was one of the body language that we can use to make the audience not bored.

sHaHirA AA09104 said...

Practice, practice, practice! Public speaking can only be learned through direct experience.we can move our hand to get a more confident.if you fell fear again breathe evenly from your stomach at a normal rate and depth.
If your hands are shaking badly and you can avoid manipulating objects until the shakiness subsides, do so. If not, focus on your topic and not on your hands eventually the shiver will stop.If you say wrong you can smile and make a joke.That was a refreshing break and continue.
Practice will make perfect!!


hand is so important...! when we do a presentations,the movement of our hand will avoid us from nervous..but, don't move our hand too much and don't just stand static..just move our hand normally and relax. it will help us to give a successful presentations..

Anonymous said...

Hello...I think this will be the least comment I could give since I do not get better picture about this title"hands".Well,based on the presenter,our hands played an important role in showing our emotions.Also,our hands can show others people about what happen in our daily life.It is true?Well,I do not either.From the way that he talks,it seems true.Therefore, whenever we presents our speechs to other people,move your hands to obtain their fullest attention.

Ahmad Akram bin Ahmad Saberi

Nor Azimah Binti Mohd Nor'aini (AA09048) said...

This video actually tells me something new.. I have no idea that hand itself has an important role during any presentation. But now I think it is important because it shows our confidence. If the presenter stays still without moving, the whole presentation will be dull and bored. From what I have seen before, some presenter loves to put there hands in the pocket. That would make them look unprofessional and the whole presentation will be uninteresting…so, MOVE your hands!!

Nur Hasmiza (AA09120) said...

Hand is very important in our life. As a presenter, hand show our confidence in speaking and presenting our speech. It does not matter whether our hands move up and down or move to the right or left, as long as it suits our speaking it will make the audience glued to the chair.

Anonymous said...

Sabrina Emmanuel

Based on the movie ‘hand’, the narrator tells that we should move our hand freely during a presentation. This is a way to make ourselves less nervous in front of audience. One should not grip their hand always during a presentation.

Anonymous said...

Hazirah Bt Ahmad

"don't be nervous" is a important message in this video.. we have to control our hand during presentation because hands show the confidence.. using hands we also can make our presentation more interesting and attract audience attention..

Sakinah said...

Nasihah Sakinah binti Zulkifli Auni
AA 09057

When we are trying to to explain something to people ,'hand' is the important tool to attract people to listen the explanation .This is because when we move our hand to explain something ,it shows that we are confident to explain something to the audience .By comparing to the explainer that explain something to the audience while his hand in his inside the pocket ,it shows the explainer does not believe in himself and not confident to his explanation .In conclusion ,we need to move our hand in explaining something to people .

nurul amalina(AA09136) said...

slm miss...
from this video,TJ Walker want to show the importance of good hand gestures...without hand gestures,you will look like a robot...people will confidence with your speech/ also will look nervous when you keep squeezing your hands...try to be freely about your hand gestures...

Unknown said...


Actually hand movement is playing an important role in presentations.We should move our hand during presentation by not showing our scaring.Besides that,the audiences will paying more attention to you by moving yours hand in yours presentation.

Anonymous said...

miss sorry for the late!

from our hand will show our confidence to behave front of a thousand people..


" Move your hands " like said
TJ WALKER. Its give me a lesson that dont hold hands when speakings to the audiences because it loooks horrible to the audinces. The hand movements is importants because the audiences will attracted and focus to you as a speaker. So, move your hand off. . .

elya mohd said...

assalamualaikum miss...
from my opinion i think that hand movement is not too important during presentation.this is because many hand movements can make the audience feel giddy and bored..even by hand movements can see the confident of the presenter,but it will effect the audience attentions.


CK ^.^ said...

Yap Chee Kien, Jason (AA09025)

For me hand movement is necessary but not too much till the whole presentation your hand is moving all around the place. Certain words or things when we try to stress on it, we tend to need hand movement as to highlight to the audience BUT, not until the whole hand move away from the mouth if we are holding mic. Be wise when to use hand movement. TJ Walker himself did hand movement during this video it's some good example to follow if we are not using mic to talk.

Kieyla (AA09115) said...

After watching this, i realised that i never focus on my hand during presentation.. i always ignore the function of my hand.. actually, hand movement is one of the technique communications.. its show the who am i when present in front... definitely, i look more confident, comfortable, and relax when i move my hand during the presentation..the audiences can focus or give full attention on me.. therefore i can transmit the messages clearly to them.. the objections of the presentation will achieve...


move your hand??
yup..hands gestures are very important when giving a speech.
by moving your hand it can attract the audience and make the presentation be more interesting...
but dont makes moving it too much!!
it maybe can disturb the audience and makes the audience feel bored..

K.A AA09111 said...

Hey, as introduction, you guys know what, our brain attracted more to the moving object rather than static object. It symbolize that our hand gestures can attract people’s attention. Do it freely but dont exaggerate. Another fact, when we are nervous, our nerve freeze causing our hand become static and we will extremely worry of ourselves. Be part of it. Move your hand to reduce the pressure and stress when delivering speech.